Friday 29 June 2018

Film Screening of "Modern times" by Charlie Chaplin

On 29 june 2018 at our department we have watched the movie "Modern Times" By Charlie Chaplin. He himself directed, produced and acted in this film.

About the Modern age

The whole film shows the vast development of huge machines and how the life of people was ruined by the machines. It reflects the modern age and all  its advantages and disadvantages.

The workers are working in Assembly line and they are controlled by various mechanic tools. The head of the factory used camera to keep eye on the activities of worker. He didnot even left them alone in washroom. he everywhere fits the camera and govern the workers. The workers are suppposed to work with the speed of machines. When the factory master increases the speed of machines then it becomes difficult for the workers to keeping pace with the machines.

Poor situation of unemployed people

When the factory closed all the workers becomes jobless. They come on road and raise their voice for  job. But there is no one to hear their painful voices.

Symbol of Red Flag

The red flag is used to raised voice against the present government who is responsible for the unemplyment of the masses. In this film Mistakenly Chaplin took that flag and was suspects by the police as going against the law and therefore imprisoned.

Another Paraller story of poor girl

In this film another story of a poor girl is also going on. She search for food and wherever she find food, steals it. she  is living with her father and two younger brother sister. One day in crowd accidently her father was shoot out by the Police ans she becomes orphan. That time the orphans are supposed to live in orphanage. But She runs away from there. somehow her situation is same as the main protagonist Charlie Chaplin and therefore both met each other by the chances of fate.

Basic requirements

For human the first priority is "Roti, Kapda aur Makan" then only they can think of other luxurious items. Therefore in this film also the actor goes on searching for job to get food, shelter and clothes.

Advantage of bonafide

The actor get the bonafied from his previous factory, and it becomes his advantage and easy to get any job. In that bonafide their honesty was incarved. However in present time it will not work.

Surreal image

The film also shows the surreal image. First in the factory when Charlie was engaged in work and lost his mind and go inside the machines. The scene was obviously unbelievable. Second time also when Charlie get job at another factory mistakenly he made his boss to go inside the huge machines.
The irony is that when there is Lunch time then all workers stop their work in middle and went on to tale lunch because they will not get one minute more. The machines also stop working.

The food feeding machine

The industry makes the workers so busy that even it will not give them enough time to eat. The food feeding machine came in factory to experiment with one of the worker and hence Chaplin was selected for that task. But somehow this machine malfuntioned and was not get permission by the head to come in market.

White Powder

In this film there is small incident which shows that in modern time some people are also addicted to drug. One man was habituated to take white powder which seems similar to salt, therefore when Police came in search of him, he put all the powder into the salt bar.


In this way the films shows the various things which indicated the modern times. In the last there is happy ending, an end with hope then things must be go well from tomorrow. It was the scene of dawn. Means totally different from the the starting scene. At the last the character are going towards nature.

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