Sunday 8 December 2019

Lap of honor

Unit 4
Murray  Halberg’s Lap of Honour’
By Maurice Shadbolt

About the writer
Maurice Shadbolt was a new Zealand writer. He was born on 4th June 1932. Shadbolt wrote 11 novels, four collections of short stories, two autobiographies, a war history, and a volume of journalism, as well as plays. His first collection of short stories, “The New Zealanders” won publication in the United Kingdom, as well as New Zealand.

Murray Halberg

This story is about the famous runner of New Zealand who has won 5000-metre race at the Rome Olympic Games in 1960. His left arm was paralysed after the accident in football match. Then he left football  and basketball and took up athletics.
           Physical appearance

Murray did not have a big, strong body. His weight is about 57 Kilogrammes. One sport writer who saw him said that he looked more like a refugee from a prison camp than an athlete. He is thin young New Zealander with the ugly, crooked style of running. It seemed that he has no muscles.
               Coach of Murray Halberg
In 1951 Murray met a man called Arthur Lydiard, who became his coach. Lydiard is famous long-distance runner. He has new ideas for the training of athletes. When Murray Halberg face defeat in Olympic games in Melbourne then he and his coach Lydiard decided a new plan for all these races. Lydiard had found that most runners were in habit of slowing down a little when they were about three laps away from the end of the race; then, when they got their breath back, they would make the last jump for victory. Lydiard thought it was at this point that Halberg should make his great effort.
-          Games in the life of Murray
i)                    New Zealand one-mile and two mile race
Murray won New Zealand one-mile and two-mile junior championship. In 1954 Murray became famous after running a mile in 4 minutes 4.4 seconds.
ii)                   United States
Murray was invited to run in the United States. He beats the best runners in the United States and ran a mile in just over 4 minutes.
iii)                 British Commonwealth Games in Vancouver, Canada
In 1954 Halberg ran against Roger Bannister in the mile race at the British Commonwealth Games.
iv)                 Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia
Murray has prepared a lot for this Game because mere stamina was not enough to win Olympic Games. But in this Game Murray became nervous and took the lead from the start. That was his biggest mistake which leads to his defeat. He was completely disappointed at this failure.
v)                  Three mile races
After getting defeat in Australia, Murray has decided to run in three miles races means 5000 metre instead of one mile that is only 1500 metre. His timing in these races was much good as the best in the world.
vi)                 British Commonwealth Games at Cardiff, Wales
Halberg won the race easily in record time. He breaks the record of Alby Thomas of Australia in this race. It was his first great international success.
vii)               Rome Olympic of 5000-metre race
Halberg has won Rome Olympic and it was his biggest victory. It changed the life of Murray Halberg because after that he had almost left athletics. In this race Murray defeats German and Australian runners. Hans Grodotski, a German was only few distance away from Halberg but at that time Halberg loses his stamina and stragth. His body was crying out for rest. But his mind and spirit could not allow the body to win. Halberg prepared himself for the last effort and won the race. He fell down into the tape. His friends gathered around his body, but there was that faint smile on his face.
-          Change in Murray’s mindset
Murray has decided that he will not run in 10,000-metre race. His desire to win was gone. Now he wants to spent time for his family. His wife had given birth to daughter. Murray was happier after hearing this news. This happiness is greater than those victories of races.
-          Charity work
Murray has decided to work for crippled, disabled children of Canada. A lot of money was raised and it was used to help these children. He has also taken this task in New Zealand. Many sportsmen joined him in this work and given fund for Murray Halberg Trust fund. Murray has changed the life of two disabled children. One of them is the boy who had lost both his feet, but ran on the remaining body part in a race for crippled children. Another boy whose entire body was paralyzed below his shoulder won a prize for swimming 400-metre in open sea.


The new victories which Murray is winning in his work for crippled, paralyzed children are far more meaningful than that famous victory in Rome Olympic. In this way Murray changed his entire life. He has never given up at any cost. When he was paralyzed then all his family members lost their hope but Murray has decided to try hand in another sport.  After that when he has got much fame already, decided to work for some other cause which will add meaning to his life. Now he wants to live for his family, for other disabled children in order to give them motivation.

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