Wednesday 27 June 2018

Field work: Assembly line and its effect

Assembly line 

The term assembly line was included in mass production. It is also called Progressive assembly. It is a manufacturing process in which parts are added from workstation to workstation until the final assembly or final product produced. Things are produced automatically with the help of huge machines in a very drastic manner.

Let us discuss one story with reference to Assembly line

Quality by John Galsworthy

Quality is a story about an honest shoe maker Mr. Gessler. He is dedicated to his work and spent all his time working whenever he received any order of making boots. When he was in work, he never worry about sleep and food. He has high moral value as an artist. He thinks that it was his duty to make best and to give satisfaction with his product to the consumer. He believes in Quality product. He never think of making more porfit with his work. To achieve more profit is not his goal. He is different from the other craftsman who never allow their customer to question them. Mr. Gessler easily accept his fault and tried his best to fix it. If customer come with dissatisfaction then he politely take it and convince customer to make it best.

When the bigger shop came in competition Mr. Gessler never gave up. He made boots to comfort the customer. As an artist he show respect to his art and never loses the quality of product just to compete with bigger Shops.

Death of Craftsmanship

Now a days with the formation of Assembly lines, death of Craftsman occur. The huge machines are destroying the soul of craft. In this way Craftman's pride is vanishing.

Interview with shoemaker

Normally we has asked three questions whose answer is totally different as per our expectation.

Questions are:-
1. After the influence of competitive shoe making industry, which type of change come in their business?
2. Are you believes in making Quality product or Profit making product?
3. Would you believe that after Industry there comes the death of Craftsmanship?

The First shoe maker

The first shoe maker is old person. He is running his business since 20 Years. He is very porud about his quality materials. He says that Industrial development never affect his shop. He is getting same profit as he used to get. He never faces any change.
As we dont know that he is lying or not just to hide his poverty. He didnt want to show his bad condition to us. Thats why he only speeks goody goody things. There we find self respect in him that he never like himslef to be presented as piet. 
He says one good thing that the customers who used to buy shoes from his shop earlier are still buying, because he makes his customer satisfied. 
He was even in support of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that in his rule there would be no worries and problem to them.
We are not getting him clearly anyway.

The second Tradesman

He is quiet young and running his shop since six months. He very politely gave all the answers of our questions. 
He also didnot hesitate to give his name, whereas the first one say no clearly to give name. 
When we ask him about his shop that whether he is getting more profil or less after the competitive industry. He replied that he is facing 10% loss. He didnt get that much profit. We have asked him that whether he is doing anything or not to compete with Machine made Boots, he clearly says no. But one thing he says that he is putting his products on sale to attract more and more consumers. 

He also says that his focus was on Profit not on quality product. 


Here we find difference in the thinking of Shoemaker and Tradesman and their way of dealing with customers. Here is the reverse situation or we can say that truth remains hidden. 


So the conclusion is with the developing assembly lines still some craftsman spirit was not dead. still there are peoples who value the handmade craft rather than machine made final product. If there is no change in the quality product of things then there must be no bad effect. 
Therefore in  Modern times the situation that england is facing dur to the development of Industries is still not compared fully with our country. 

But still handmade things are limited. It couldn't made mass production in short span of time. It need more time whereas Machines needs less hour and can made more products. Therefore it can deals with the increasing demand of the consumers day by day.

1 comment:

  1. Assembly line machine is very useful it improves productivity of company.
    Assembly Line Machines
