Friday 5 April 2019

Mini Reviews of Harry Potter Series with Tabular link

There are total 7 parts of Harry Potter series and each part taught us moral values, how to deal with society, with power politics, feminism, etc. In every part there is the fighting between good and evil, which is much symbolical with the current political system. J.K Rowling smartly deals with the problem of contemporary society.

1. Harry Potter and Philosopher's stone

The very first part of Harry Potter series deals with the problem and struggle of child. This film deals with the introduction of major characters who remain till the last part. Harry is too small to deal with the problems of society. He has passes through many troubles to reach to the school of magic 'Hogwarts. In every part there is quest of Hero. According to the title of this part Harry's task is to find Philosopher's stone for which Voldemort is looking for many years. Harry finds the stone and refuses to give it to Voldemort. In that process Quirell attempts to kill Harry, but he is instead killed at last. At the last there is happy ending, Harry get recovers and his friend Ron and Hermione too. This part taught us the value of friendship because Ron and Hermione are ready to give their life risk for Harry. This theme is common in all the parts of Harry potter series. 

2. Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets

There is secret of Chamber where no one allowed to go. But Harry, Ron and Hermione tried their best and succeed in the end to reveal the chamber of secrets. In this part Harry also meet Dobby, house elf of Malfoy who is constantly warning him to avoid to go at school. Prof Lockhart is the new teacher of defence against dark art in this sequel. There used to different teacher of dark art in every part. This part also reveals the secret of Harry's language who is also known to the language of snakes. There is also common archetype of Hero rescue Heroine, here Ginny sister of Ron Weasley is heroine who is rescued by Harry in the last. She is found in the chamber unconscious. The secret of Tom Riddle get revealed that he is Voldemort, Lord of evils. Tom Riddle's Diary is destroyed by Harry in the Chamber of secrets. 

3. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

In this part Harry's task is to innocence of Serius Black. There is no presence of Voldemort in this part in anyone body. Injustice of legal system is the basic theme because even if Serius is innocent he is imprisoned. On the other hand the Buckbeak is also innocent, but Malfoy complaint against that bird leads to his death. Later with the help of Time Turner machine, Harry and Hermione saves them. There is also a story of werewolf, Prof. Lupin is real werewolf whose identity is get revealed in the end.

Other part is reviewed in tabular form, to visit click here

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