Tuesday 21 August 2018

Thinking activity: Qualities of a good teacher and a student

ELT Task
Thinking activity on the qualities of a good teacher and student according to our views.

What do you feel how a teacher should be?

i) Friendly Nature

According to my views the very first quality that all teachers must possess is that they have to be friendly towards their pupil. Over strict nature always makes students fearful and because of that many hesitate to enter in class.

ii) Helpul

A perfect teacher must be helpul. He/she has to help his/her students each and every way without saying no, because when a teacher says no then the student lose all hope and started criticizing teacher. It is obviously upon teacher that how he/she is helping, by giving them all the clues or just giving them some specific points on which they have to think further. 

iii) Impartial

The most important quality about teacher is he/she must be impartial and should treat his/her pupils with equal care and help, without making any type of difference among students. Whether it is based on the top rankers, on caste system, or by economically rich. 

iv) Mastery over his/her subject

Apart from all the non-academical qualities their must be very important quality which is the mastery over the subject which the teacher is going to teach. He/she must be aware about all the aspects regarding his/her coursework, so if some students ask question he/she will able to answer in a proper way without going away from the topic.

v) knowledge of current topics to relate it with syllabus

A perfect teacher must have knowledge about the current updates, what was going on outside the text and has to built ability in herself/himself to relate it with the present syllabus of any class whom they are going to teach.

There are so many other qualities which all teachers must have like, to engage the class in discussion, to make students active, never let ypur students feel bored, through some joke in between of the lectures to make them refresh, has to give break. Normally what happen that a teacher keep on giving lecture without any pause. But these type of lecture doens't carry any meaning because normally a student have maximum 45 minutes of attentiveness in class, afterwards naturally all need break otherwise things must be go just like passing clouds without making any mark on mind. No matter how interestingly the teacher is teaching, the point definitely came when he/she started feeling bore because of regular class without any pause, only in first one hour, he/she gets the thing properly, afterwards the interest started falling down. 

What do you feel how a student should be?

i) Obedient

A student need to be obedient. Whatever task given to student they had to do without any hesitation or with interest. They have to follow wach and every advise sincerely

ii) Attentive

A student must be attentive in class. Their mind should be fully focussed. They have to present mentally in class rather than physically.

iii) Extrovert

A student need to be extrovert, so that he/she can ask question, raise argument, or can think in a better way.

iv) Pre-reading

A good student always comes up with pre-reading of text which is going to run in class, so that he/she can get the topic in better way.

v) Hard working

Every student have to work hard to reach to their goal. Lack of hard work, lazyness always leads towards the downfall of students.

There are many others qualities which a student must have like kind and helpul towards his/her classmate, need to be regular in class, need to follow every advise, need to balance between homework and other activities and have to think about some new things related to topic which was dicussed in class, to make mind updated, have to do revision everyday.

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