Wednesday 15 August 2018

Film screening: Lagaan

15th august 2018
On the special occassion of Independence day we have watched the movie Lagaan(2001) directed by Ashutosh Gowariker.

This film covers various topics like patriotism, postcolonialism, religion, subaltern and many more.

First let us discuss about the common Archetypes of the film:-

i) Drought scene

The very beginning scene represent the drought prevailing across the village.  Since a very long time there is no rain. All the villagers are facing scarcity of water. The grief of villagers get reflected through the representation of drought. It was common that whenever someone facing trouble or, if there is no hope in life then the desert area shown, which reflects the barrenness of peoples mind. In the film also the villagers are losing hope day by day.

ii) Central focus

As usual the central focus was remains the hero of the film. Naturally the hero got all the qualities, and stand like a perfect figure and can face each and every problem with positiveness. Similarily in this film also the Protagonist Bhuvan has all the perfection. And the other characters are doing sacrifice for him. This is very common archetypal structure.

iii) Rain as a symbol of happiness

The villagers are waiting for rain and when it comes, it brings happiness for them. Now they find hope again.

iv) Temple

Temple is always used for reflecting the religious mindset of people, that how they are doing prayer in their worst condition, when there is no one to listen their problems, then they will turn towards the door of temple. And Temple always provide peace and happiness. This is the common archetype used in many films. Even when Bhuvan hits the bell of the temple then only all the villagers have started supporting him.

v) Use of Myth

Myth was always used to rebuilt the story or to give strong support to the plot. Commonly we can find some myth in any type of film. In this film, there is myth of Radha Krishna,who are separated from each other physically but not mentally. Even if they are not married, their love remains immortal. In the film the White Lady character, Elizabeth behaves like Radha, and Gauri as Rukmani with whom Bhuvan( representing Krishna) married and Elizabeth remains unmarried in her whole life.

Some basic themes

i) Patriotism

If we look at film only from upper layer, then we can find the patriotic idea, that is all the villagers are fighting for their nation, for the identity of nation, they don't want to obey the Britishers for any reason. They don't wants to pay taxes to them. They want freedom, from any type of strict or cruel rule. They can do anything for their pride of nation. Bhuvan accept the challenge given by Russell just to cancel the double taxation which was landed over the villagers by them.

ii) Problematic name for the untouchable

In the film there is one character named "Kachra". He was untouchable and his name also reflects the unwantedness of the character. It was really very problematic.

iii) Casteism

The inequality prevailing in the rural area was represented in the film. When Bhuvan get impressed by the bawling of Kachra, then he decided to include him in his team of cricket. But all the other team members started criticizing him for his decision and decided to leave the team, if Bhuvan includes Kachra, the untouchable. We can find the backward mindset of people who are not ready to accept the untouchable and afraid of doing anything with them, as if they are devil.

iv) Leadership qualities

In the film Bhuvan got all the leadership qualities such as, team building, deal with each and every member equally. seeing hope when all are hopeless, and many more. He has ability to forgive people. In the last when he comes to know about the cheating of Lakha, he gave him second chance, to prove himself. When all are fighting or wanted to beat Lakha brutally, that time Bhuvan saves him. Even in the beginning when all refuses to play cricket or to support Bhuvan, he decided to come with strong plan, so that all can believe in his idea, that they can do anything. Three months are enough to learn. He gives strength to the team. He is even not believing in rigid caste system of Indian society.

v) Unity in diversity

Director highlights or present the main characteristic of India that is 'unity in diversity'.  The cricket team which was made by Bhuvan included member from all religions and ideologies. Sikh, muslim, brahmin, untouchable etc. He is not doind any type of injustice with any memeber and treted each member equally. Therefore, there is unity in diversity.

vi) Subaltern

Many characters from the film are belongs to subaltern group means lower group who are voiceless, powerless for eg;-
- Kachra, was a character of hidden power, who is afraid of showing his talent to others in fear.  As he is dominated by the so called upper class. He was voiceless. He cannot speak loud in front of any people. Even if he has right to speak, he was totally unaware about his all rights.
 - Bhura, the other character who has sacrificed his chance for Bhuvan to play in cricket. He wants to play more but can't see his master getting out of team. Therefore he take the fowl of his master on his own head.

vii) Post-colonialism

The effect of post colonialism is still present among Indians. In the film, there is colonial game Cricket which was played by the Indians to win the challenge given by the Britishers. There is strong impact of the Britishers over the mind of Indians that still in present they are not able to come out from this game.

viii) Indianess

The ambiguity of, what is Indian? is present in the film. There is history of nationalist, history of hidden heroes. The very idea of Indianess, found in that heroes. What they believe as an Indian and what they supposed to do everything was based on nationality. there is no way of thinking from the outside.

ix) Similarity and dissimilarity between Lakha and Elizabeth

As both these characters are doing injustice with their nation, still there are so many difference between them. Elizabeth is helping Bhuvan for the sake of fair justice with Indians, without any selfish motive. On the other hand Lakha was in love with Gauri(beloved of Bhuvan) and in jealousy he did wrong thing by revealing each and every secret of his team to the Britishers. Their Karma is same but their motif is different.

x) Concept of food

In the film, there is full plate spicy food items given to the king. Whereas the poor villagers are eating dry chapati without any kind of pickle. We can see the two different food habits of the elite and lower class people. As lower people can't afford the costly ingredients for spicy food.

xi) Fairness of justice

There is fairness of justice system in the British Raj. They call honest umpire from abroad for the final round of cricket with the Indians and obeying each and every signal given by the umpire. There is not any kind of partiality from umpire's side. Even the British captain praising Indian also if they play best shot.

xii) Religion

There is strong believers of religion. We can see the influence of God over the mind of villagers who are doing prayer again and again, specially when they are facing problem. Even the king was wearing rings in his finger of 'Panna' (the green stone)' and 'moonga' (the red stone) which shows that how blindly he is following the superstitions.

In this way the film covers various topics.

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