Sunday 1 July 2018

Online discussion: Ideas given by Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa has faced an interview for his most recent novel "The Neighborhood".  The interview was taken by Michael Skafidas.

In this Interview Mario Vargas Llosa has given many best ideas with apt examples.

Here are some ideas which I liked the most:-

i) The Problem of Feminism

Vargas Llosa speaks about the problem of feminism and said that:

"It has become very sectarian, very dogmatic, and I think you have to criticize and oppose these trends. For Example, recently we have had a big group of debate in Spain where feminists attacked Nobokov's "Lolita" which I think one of the greater 20th century novels, they attacked it because they claim the main character is a pedophile. with this criterion, literature will disappear. It is grotesque! If you respect literature you must accept not only the very idealist, altruist vision of human beings but also the infernal vision of them"

ii) Angels and Devils

Georges Bataille said that in human beings, there are angels and devils. Sometimes the angels are important, but for literature, devils are also important too. Literature is the testimony of what we want to hide in the real world.

iii) Sartre's idea

"That words are act and that you write things that could make a difference in history or solve problems. Writing was a way to participate in the creation of a different kind of society, freer, more just, more liberal"
writing was not only for creating pleasure but also a tool for change.

iv) Novelist is the historian of the recorded

History and Literature are faces of a coin. They are so closed and in many cases, the literary version of a historial part prevails over a historian account.

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