Monday 4 May 2020

love is paranormal


Hello my dear friends, here I am with another love story. This time it won’t be normal. Yeah, this time it is super hot paranormal love story. Before getting all the credits let me clear that I have read this story online on the game called “Chapters” with the title- “Lux-1: Obsidian and Lux-2: Onyx written by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I won’t reveal the secret about the character in beginning. So let’s start with the story- Assume yourself as the girl protagonist and the love interest you have is super hot guy.

The story begins……
I have moved from Florida to this small town with my mother. The house is nice here. But still I am feeling lonely all the time because my mom is always busy in her work. She is nurse and always having night and day shifts. Most of the time I am all alone until the weekends come. Mom is telling me to make friends. She has investigated and finds out that my neighbors are of having same age as mine.  She is forcing me to live life, to go outside, to make friends. One day she told me to buy some groceries. But because I am new in town I don’t know the routes. Google will also not help because still we need to fix our networks in this new town. Mom has advised me to ask to my neighbor. So I went there. I have knocked the door. No one is opening, I have knocked hard until I found - tall, handsome boy with opal green eyes without shirt, showing his super hot body, standing in front of me. I was mesmerized at this sight and won’t be able to speak a single word for at least 20 seconds.  I stand there with shock until he breaks the silence. “What do you need”, “if you are not going to ask anything then just leave”. I was angry with his rude behavior. How can this man be so rude? Then I asked about the route. He has given answer in one sentence "Go to super market and right from there, and then turn left". I said, "Well I am not going to believe you".  Then suddenly he turns Google on and shows me that he is giving right answer. Then he laughs, and trying to tease me that why I was not speaking any word in beginning and standing like frozen zombie. Then he asks question  "are you too much attracted to my bare body?" I just try to stop this conversation and before he says any other word, bids thanks to him and moved.

There in the market while purchasing all the items, I found a girl with same opal green eyes as like the boy whom I met on morning, my neighbor. Girl came to me and introduces herself as Dee Blake, sister of Daemon Blake, the boy who has given me routes. She said that at morning she has heard all the conversation between me and Daemon. She said that her brother was laughing when I gone because of my freezed reaction when I first saw him. After listening this even I have started laughing and I admitted that her brother is definitely too hot. She said that her brother is not all the time rude, but sometimes he is running out of his mind and don’t know how to react. Then onwards she becomes my best friend. Happy days started. Dee wants that her brother to do friendship with me, for that she is trying her best to make us friends. She also wants him to apologies for his rude behavior. One day Dee has stolen the car keys of her brothers and told him to make an apology and if I accept his apology then only she will give those car key to him. Next day Demon came to my home. Now he is in better mood, asking me for hiking. I have accepted his invitation because I am also tired with my boring routine. He took me to most adventurous place where there is complete peace. There are huge Seneca rocks.
I really appreciate his trial. At least he has tried to become friend. I am feeling amazing in the company of Daemon. We are enjoying our spare time until when he said that he was doing these all for the happiness of his sister. I feel embarrassed that he is taking me outside, giving me pleasure only for the sake of getting those keys from his sister. The thought is itself disgusting. I spoke out in rage to him that there is no need of doing these all thing if he doesn't want. I am not any option. He is about to say sorry then suddenly big bear came with roaring. I feel shocked that what bear is doing here. I run fast in the arms of Daemon. He holds me tight. He told me to be freeze, do not move. But I was in panic. My feet start trembling. Then bear recognizes us and almost came to hit us. I closed my eyes and feeling like my death is near. I faint, unconscious in the arm of Daemon. Everywhere there is darkness. I don't want to die like this. After some hour I came in consciousness. I found myself in the arms of Daemon. And wait, I was in front of my house. How did I get here? What happened after the attack of bear? There are too many questions in my mind. Daemon answered peacefully as if nothing happens. He said that beer was gone and now we are safe. But i was thinking how we escaped. But there are no answers. Next day I met Dee.
I told her that Daemon is behaving nice to me, so give those keys back to him. He took me for hiking because you said to him. Suddenly Dee stopped my sentence and interrupted, "wait I have not told Daemon to take you for hiking. I have just told him to apologize. He is doing all this intentionally. May be he wants to spend more time with you. May be he really wants to understand you" after hearing this, I was shocked and happy as well. The boy of my dreams really wants to do friendship with me. These Thoughts are enough for giving me amazing feelings. Days went on. I am happily spending my summer vacation with Daemon. One day mom told me to borrow cooking book from library, which is far away from my place. I have asked Dee for company but she neglected and also advice me to go there after some days. But I have ignored Dee's advice because I want to get that book for my mother. So at night I went alone without telling Dee. When I reached library, I feel little bit awkward because one man with black spects continuously staring at me. I increase my speed and went inside. After taking book, when I leave, then I saw that man again still standing.
He is trying to talk with me. But I have increased my speed. Suddenly he came in front of me started asking for help. I have ignored him by telling I don't have anything to help you. I was just about to leave when he grabs my arm holding me upward through my neck. He was in rage. He said there is always this kind of problem with you foolish humans. Wait! What he said, humans? Isn’t he also human? I was confused and now I am feeling choked. I thought that this is my death. I have started losing my breath. But suddenly spark of light came. That man has put me down when he saw that light. When I turned with half open eye I saw a man covered with light. He was shining like sunshine. There is anger in his eyes. It is not possible to figure out that who is that man. He came and started to fight with the man who was about to kill me. I was standing with all shocked. I was fainting. Then there is again darkness. My eyes are closed. Then immediately I came into consciousness after hearing familiar voice. Oh my God! This is Daemon's voice. How did he get here? How did he know that I was nearer to library? There are so many questions in my mind. I have asked him what he was doing here and where those men gone. One with sinister quality and other is just like angel who rescued me. Daemon answered that there is only one man who seems like robber. He calls police and now he was taken to jail. And there is no any other man with the spark of lightning. He told that I was day dreaming. Even I was also not able to believe in these all unnatural stuff. Daemon took me to my home. I have asked him that how did he get there. He said that he came there for walking. Oh! How did you come there to walk? It was too far away from our home. How did you walk this much of distance? He said that he was now used to it. He told me to take full rest and promised me to answer my all questions on next day.
Next day I am eagerly waiting for Daemon to uncover all the secrets that he is hiding from me since a long. During night I heard a knock on my door. Mom is in night shift. I went to open the door and found Daemon standing there waiting for me. He told me to change so that we can lead towards another place to discuss all this stuff. I changed immediately and went with him. We walk silently for about 15 minutes. Silence break when we reach to the place. It was an amazing scenario with beautiful trees and beautiful lake. We sit there. Daemon told me that he used to visit this place whenever he wants peace. Then slowly he started to open up. The first thing he asks me “Do I believe in paranormal things?”,"Do I believe that there are people living in other planets too”. On these questions I was thinking how to answer. I thought that if I said no, and then might be he would hide something. I don't want him to hide anything.  Especially at this stage when my feelings for him is real. But I don’t know whether Daemon feels the same or not. Ok let it put it aside. Now is the time to answer Daemon's question. The first thing I said is "Yes I do believe in supernatural power or something which is paranormal" because since the day of my shifting to this small town I feel liked something unnatural happening around me, especially after the "beer's attack incident". Second answer I gave is “Yes I do believe in Aliens”. On this answer Daemon laughs. He said that what you feel about alien, like how do they look? I answered that Aliens are ugly creature. Again I heard laughing of Daemon. I was disgusted. You are here to laugh on me? Get lost if you do not want to be serious. Now Daemon became serious. He told the most shocking secret. He said that he was from another planet. But not actually alien, he is LUXEN. Hold on! You are joking right? Daemon raised his eyebrows in mischief, “It seems like joke to you?” “Then tell me who is that man with full of light who rescued you? Are you really dreaming?” I stand there motionless with open mouth. Wait! Don’t tell me that you are the one who rescued me. Don’t tell me that you are Lux…..Luxen……? I really I don’t know how to believe in this. Then the other thing I saw is Daemon is turning out in his Luxen form. Oh my God! Am I dreaming? World around me was spinning. Daemon told me that it’s truth, not my dream. Then he comes back in his human form. After that he has started revealing other secrets. He told me that after the beer’s attack, he left trace on me. It means whenever a Luxen is using power in front of human than he left trace on human. And with that trace Arum, can capture them. Arums are the enemies of Luxen. The man who attacked on me during library visit is an Arum wearing black spects at night. He wants to find out the Luxen who has left his trace on me. It is very complicated situation. I really don’t know how to react. Daemon told me that Luxen can never go ahead with human. If they do so, then they put the life of other Luxen in danger. He told me to do not fall for him because our worlds are different. We are not for each other. This much is enough to break my heart into pieces. I left that place without listening any other word. I started running with tears in my eyes. Daemon was shocked and tried to stop me. But I didn’t stop. I keep on running until I found myself on road; Daemon came there in a second. Oh1 now I don’t have to be shocked because the speed of light is more than any other thing. I ignored him and again started running. Daemon screamed “Hemu stopped” when I saw in front of me a huge truck. Oh my god! It was about to hit me when Daemon stops it with his power and urge me to leave the road. After that he released his power. Then we went to our home. We barely spoke a word.
When we reached to our home then I broke the silence. Now I was in anger. I shouted on him for using his power again, and for leaving trace on me. I told him to leave and stops putting my life in danger. Then I entered my home without speaking any other word and closed the door on his face.
Next day I met Dee. She is apologizing for not telling me secrets before. I barely spoke. I was not in the mood to forgive her and her brother as well. But I have not broken my friendship with Dee. She is still my best friend. She is the first who become my friend in this strange town. Days went on. I and Daemon didn't meet after that secret revealing incident. But I am badly missing him. I know we can't be together. But still I want him in my life. I wish if he could be normal as like me or like other human. Summer vacations are about to complete. I need to register online for my admission in college. Dee and Daemon has already taken admission.  I did all the process. Days pass with single blink. Now today is the first day in my college. I wish I could talk with Daemon today.
I met Daemon in Ap calcus class. When all other classmates saw Daemon, they are shocked on his entry. A handsome boy with perfect body and most attractive opal green eyes. All wished to talk to him. I was not sure whether to say hi! Or not? But he was searching someone in class. Suddenly our eyes meet and he smiled. Oh creep! Is he searching for me? He comes and sits next to me
“Oh my God! Daemon, why are you sitting next to me”? You are creating a scene in front of class. He just smiled and reply with disagreement. Hey Hemu! There is only one sit vacant and that's why I sat. After Ap calcus I have class in Ab biology. But unfortunately Daemon was only with me in Ap calcus class. After attending all class, it's the time for lunch. I went in cafeteria. After taking lunch I am thinking where to sit until I found Dee. She is waving for me. Oh no! She is with her brother and other friends too. Bullshit! Who is that girl sitting next to Daemon by holding his hand? I went to that table. I say hi to everyone but got only two replies, one from Dee and other from Dee's friend who is sitting next to her. Why Daemon is avoiding me, he doesn’t want me to sit with them. But why? When I am about to sit then the girl next to Daemon shout on me. Who are you human? Don't you dare to sit with us? Go find your own company. Daemon was hearing all this things and didn't say a word. I stand with full anger and said Who the hell are you to talk with me like that? Don't you know how to behave moron? These words are enough to catch the attention of all people in cafeteria
Scene got created, there is fight of jealousy between me and Ash. Yes, she is Ash, Daemon's friend. At the end when I saw Daemon is taking side of Ash. I throw my lunch on their face. And leave that place. Dee has tried to stop me but I didn't stop. At night in my home I was thinking about the first bad day in college. All of a sudden I heard knock on my door. Who come at this time? When I open my door, then I was shocked at the sight if Daemon Blake. Oh holy creep! What are you doing here; go to your new friend's home. I wander that during summer vacation you are fooling me and spending most of the time with me. But today, wow! I have discovered your new bitch Girlfriend. What the hell are you doing now? Anger burst out in tears. Daemon watching me with concern in his opal green eyes. He told me to calm down. He grabs my hand and asks me “Do you trust me?" I said "No I do not, especially after today's incident. You are not trustworthy Daemon. How many lies you are holding, how many secrets you have? Now I am tired of all this”. Daemon replied in tense. "Hemu I am trying my best to divert my mind from you, I am trying best to ignore you, but this ends with missing you more" he further said, Ash is of our kind. She is Luxen. And she has two brothers; one of with my sister is dating. I was supposed to be with Ash. This all my community wants. But Hemu I am not able to forget you. In all this process of staying away from you, I just come close to you." 
After hearing all this truth I stand dumbfounded. Now I have to make choice for the better of Daemon, for his community. He is not allowed to be in love with human otherwise his community may banish him or worst they may kill him. I trembled at the thought of Daemon's death. I got my courage to speak "Daemon, after discovering your real identity. My feelings for you are changed. I don't feel the same way as I am feeling before. I was not attracted any more. I think it's better to depart. We are not made for each other. We are polls apart. You are Luxen and I am not. You have supernatural power and I am powerless. It's better that we forgot each other." Daemon was blank after hearing this. He could hardly believe that my feelings for him die. He just say one word before he leave “liar" then he left. I was standing still, tears rolls down from my eyes. How can I be so stone hearted? How can I lie to the boy whom I trust the most? 
I was speechless. I went to my bad. I have sleepless lonely night.
Next day I have decided to make other friend or boyfriend to divert my mind from Daemon. Luckily I found one boy, Samuel who is already seems interested in me. When we are talking in Ap calcus class, Daemon is continuously watching us in anger. I have ignored him. Suddenly the stuffs from Samuel table started scattering. His bag fell down. He went there to gather all these things he was wandering who could have done this. But I throw a glance to Daemon with suspicion. I knew it was Daemon who has used his power to distract us. After spending tiresome day at college I was finally at my home. During evening I chose to go for a walk. Dee was already going on date with her boyfriend of her community, Adam, the brother of Ash. Because I have no company I walk by myself. I went to lake where Daemon took me before because I also found peace here.
After some time I heard voice of footstep. Someone is coming, but who? This place is rare for the visit of other people. When I turned around I found Daemon. Oh my god! Is he stalking me? But wait. Daemon also seems shocked by seeing me here. He came closer and sits next to me. This time he is making distance. He asked me without making eye contact “what I am doing here" I replied” may I ask you the same, "what are you doing here" or are you stalking me? 
Daemon laughs. He said “there is no need of stalking. I can ask you straightforward if I want to take u for some outings. I am still your friend. Amn't I?. Oh! There is another question, how should I response to it. I said “yes you can" then again silence poured between us. I knew Daemon came here whenever he is out of peace. I gather courage and asked him " Daemon what's wrong with you? Daemon said nothing. I think I knew he is jealous of Samuel. Now before I said other word, he stands and about to leave but I grab his hand. "Daemon talk to me, you can't leave like that". Now Daemon breaks all the silence and spoke in anger " Hemu you can't date that asshole dickhead guy, he is not your type  you are way better than him, he is flirtiest. Not good for you. You can't let yourself to be in trouble" after bursting out everything Daemon takes a sigh of relief. I said “Daemon is that what you want to tell?" why you are interrupting in my life?. I can make choices. I am independent. You are not supposed to babysitting me. I knew that you are jealous. But think twice we are not for each other. Why don't you hang on with Ash? She is perfect for you. Then suddenly Daemon grabs my hand. This time he is serious " Hemu why can't you understand that I want you in my life not Ash. Why you are worried. I don't care if I would banish from my community. I don't care if they kill me. But I can't live without you. I stopped him "Daemon I don't want your tragic end. I don't want to be the reason of your death. It is better that you should move on. This is the last word I said with heavy heart and left that place.
Couple of weeks passed on. I barely noticed Daemon in these days. I am worried. He is not attending Ap calcus class also. This is only one class in which we are sharing same subject. Day of homecoming is near. Samuel has already proposed me to be his partner for the homecoming event. I dressed myself and wished to see Daemon today. But at the same time I don't want him to see me with Samuel. I was wearing red gown. Red is Daemon's favorite color. Now this is the time of couple dance. Samuel is asking me for dancing. I neglected. But he has taken my hand forcefully and put me on dance floor. I was uncomfortable with Samuel. I don't want to dance so close with him. Suddenly I feel like someone is staring on me. Oh! It would be definitely Daemon. I turned and found exactly Daemon. He knows that I am not comfortable with Samuel. He comes straight towards me. And put his hand on Samuel with anger in his eyes. He tells Samuel to leave. Samuel was heavily drunk. He burst out in anger and started uttering bad words to DAEMON. Samuel said “Hemu is my partner tonight”.
Oh my god! I have to stop their fight before it goes worst. What should I do. The fact is Samuel is really making me uncomfortable by holding my waist for dance. I am a strong girl. I should stand by myself and tell him to leave. I gather courage and told Samuel to leave. Samuel was shocked "Hemu what are you saying, I am your partner for this homecoming" before I say another word, Daemon interrupted and said to Samuel with teasing way, "Can't you listen Moron? Beautiful girl is telling you to leave; she doesn't want your company. Before I do anything worst leave”.
Samuel was bursting out in anger. He is angrier on me than Daemon. He said last words before departing “you have to pay for this behavior Hemu”. Daemon was about to punch him on face but I stopped him. That night of homecoming well spent with Daemon. I was really happy, but sad from inside because I knew that this won't last long. Daemon can't be with me for lifetime. He has other world, other responsibility for his Luxen community. It is true that he is ready to leave all this. But I don't want him to go against his community because I can't deal with any harm with Daemon. Next day I got a call from Samuel. I don't want to answer his call, then he texted me. He is apologizing for his behavior. But now I am done with him. I can't trust him. At evening my mom told me to fetch some materials and plants for gardening. She is always fond of gardening. I never say no to my mom. I started to leave. I went to the shop and bought all the necessary items for gardening. When I was about to leave then suddenly I found Samuel blocking my path. He seems upset. He is begging for second chance. He is apologizing for his behavior. I accept his apology but say clear “no” for giving him second chance. He is begging for at least to go for dinner with him. He said "Hemu if you come with me for dinner then only I believe that you have accepted my apology."  I was thinking what to say. But I think dinner is of no harm. I said "Well ok Samuel I will come but promise me that you will not force me to stay long" he agreed. We went to the beautiful diner. After having dinner we left together. Samuel has insisted me to drop to my home. It was too late to catch cab and he has his car. So I agreed. I sit in front seat next to him. He has started driving. After a while I realized that we are on another route. This is not the route of my home. I asked politely “Samuel I don't want any other plan, I just want to go home right now" at this he smiled in mischief and said "Don't worry Hemu, I am just taking you to the forest" I wander in shock "what forest but why"? He replied in anger "Hemu do you know what lastly I said before leaving that homecoming night to you"? I said yes I do remember. But you have already apologized for that, didn't you? Now I can see clear anger in his eyes. He said “how can I forget my insult by some random guy and a moron girl like you? Oh holy creep! Samuel has taken me here in forest for revenge. Oh someone please help whom to call? Yes Daemon. But before I dial any number Samuel snatched away my phone. We have already reach forest. There is no one for help. I am feeling totally helpless. But I am not weak I can fight with him. Samuel has grabbed my hand; there is clear rage in his eyes. Anger is bursting out like fire. What should I do? Yes I should kick this asshole, before wasting any time I kicked him hard. He fell down on ground, but not dead. Before he stands I started running. There is darkness in the forest I could not be able to find road. I was tired with running. I stopped and breathe. I was about to faint. But then I heard footsteps of Samuel. Oh no! I don't want to die like that. Daemon where are you. I wish I heard your advice. Please help me Daemon. I burst out in tears. Samuel caught me. He was about to attack on me. I closed my eyes. Now I am not able to fight more. I already feel like my end is near. But something shocking happens. I heard scream of Samuel. I open my eyes. Oh mercy! I saw Daemon. I felt never so relief as like now by seeing Daemon. Daemon has punched Samuel so badly that he fainted on ground. I ran and embrace Daemon. I started melting my tears on the warm chest of Daemon. He holds me tightly. He said "Hemu are you okay? Why you went alone for buying things for gardening, you should go with Dee”. I just sob. Daemon lifted my chin and saw inside my eyes " Hemu I am here now. There is no more worry. Calm down”. I asked Daemon "how did you get here? How did you know that I was in trouble? Daemon replied "your mom came to my home asking for help, she said you went to buy things for gardening at evening, and not come yet. It is already late. Your phone is also coming out of network. I realized that if you are at grocery store then there should be network, then without wasting time, I went to grocery store. I asked about your details to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper has given me all details of the guy with whom you left. I was always sure that it must be Samuel only. Then when I connected dots about your mobile network, then I am sure u must be in forest, because in this small town this is the only place where networks are not working”.
After listening to all this from Daemon, I just feel relief and said "Daemon thanks for caring too much" he smiled and said "Hemu c’mon you are strong girl”. Then he hugged me tightly. When we are about to leave, our path blocked by two men. Oh no! Who the hell these men are doing in forest, during late night? When I turned to Daemon he was in Luxen form with full of anger. He said only two words " Hemu run". Oh my god! What is happening? Who these men are Daemon?. He replied "Arums our enemies". Oh creep! How could I run by leaving Daemon in trouble? I said "Daemon I am not going to leave you, we can fight together". Daemon said "Hemu they are not humans you are weaker in front of them”. Then suddenly One of the Arum breaks our conversation “oh look at this human bait she is such a fool”. Both Arum laughs and said "by the way, you human! You can't leave; we can't take any risk for you to reveal our identity to others. You both have to die”. And you, now they pointed on Daemon and said “Daemon we are searching for you since a long. Now finally we found you. This is your last night weak Luxen you are going to die”. 
One Arum attacks me and the other to Daemon. But Daemon fights back. He is glowing with strong light around himself. I won’t be able to fight. I stumble on ground. Daemon scream "Hemu" then in rage, full of anger he came to rescue me and fought with that Arum. His strong light power wins over that Arum. As a result one Arum dies. Now Daemon has already used his most of the supernatural powers. He stumbled on ground. I catch him immediately and said "Daemon, are you okay." he replied “Hemu I can't stand. You have to fight with this other Arum”. And suddenly he wrapped me in his arms, warmness surrounds my body. I feel heat running in my nerves. Daemon is giving me some of his power to fight with this Arum. Suddenly I feel like new life sprout in me. I was glowing with lightning. The Arum reached us and about to attack on Daemon before that I stand in anger. There is sudden power inside me. I attacked on Arum with my full force. He fell down on ground. I can't leave him alive. I went for other last attack. And Arum dies. Then immediately I went for Daemon, who is still on ground but smiling on me and said "you are my strong Hemu" I replied in mocking tone "Daemon even if you do not gave me some of your power I can fight with him because of our love power”. Daemon laughs. I take sigh of relief that Daemon is all fine. I helped Daemon and we went to our home. I went to Daemon home. There I found Daemon's guardian Matthew and Dee. When they saw us they immediately help to make us sit on couch. I said “I am all fine Dee, don't worry. Daemon is also fine”. Then I went to kitchen for taking some meal and water for Daemon. In kitchen I was searching the things but suddenly meal and water automatically came in my hand. Just as, like it works on my inner command. What the hell? How did this magical thing happening with me. I went to living room. And talk about it to Daemon. He was amused; he never heard this kind of thing in his lifetime. Then suddenly Matthew interrupted by asking question to Daemon, "Daemon have you gave some power to this human?” Daemon nods in acceptance. I asked to Matthew, “But I have already killed that Arum for which I have taken the power. Now I cannot be normal without magical thing or without that spark which came when I killed Arum”. Matthew replied " Hemu when a Luxen gave some of his power to human for killing Arum then that human get double power from Luxen and The Arum whom he killed. He becomes more powerful than Luxen also. This is risky because sometime it won't work when Arum is more powerful. But now as you have killed that Arum.  You have got all the double power. Now you are hybrid. You are not normal human anymore. Me, Daemon, Dee all are in shock. I said "I don't want Daemon's power. I can't see him weak. I want to be normal human again”. On that Matthew laughed and said "Hemu don't worry about Daemon's weakness he will be alright tomorrow, he will gain his power back without doing anything. We Luxen can only use some amount of power a day. If we utilize more, then we become weaker, but only for one day. Next day we got all our stamina back. By the way, now you are hybrid we can't turn you back as normal human. You have to leave with this power for lifetime”. He pauses and smiles. He further asked "Hemu do you love Daemon". Oh god! How to answer this question, If I said yes then Daemon might be in trouble for loving human then I replied "no I don't?. Matthew smiled again. He said “ok so now we have to search another hybrid girl for Daemon".  Oh creep! What he is saying, is he saying that a hybrid can marry Luxen.? I pause my thinking and asked loudly “A hybrid can marry a Luxen? Now I was not able to stop my emotions and said loudly “of course I do love Daemon. I love him till infinity. The living room filled with laughter. Daemon is laughing a lot. He said “oh god if I knew before, then I might give my power to Hemu to fight an Arum and will brought weaker Arum from somewhere intentionally”. After hearing this I could not be able to stop myself from laughing. I ran and hugged Daemon in front of all. Wow I got man of my dream, Daemon Blake. Finally I got him with all the permission of his community. I can't believe that this is happening.  
Daemon I love you, I always love you Daemon. Thanks for coming in my life. Daemon replied "I love you more than anything else in this world. I was always ready to accept you, with or without power. You are my Hemu, you are only mine.................

Happy ending
 I have add some of the screenshots of the dialogues.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Excellent, enjoyed the story, even I love this story, keep writing about this kind of stories for abnormal people like me, loved it ❤️🌺

    1. Yes dear , I will keep on writing. Thanks Sima

  3. Such a amazing love story 👌well written

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes it is a kind of supence thriller. Thank u dear

  5. It's very intresting story the sequence about what will happen in next is really amazing

  6. This is very interesting and thanks for sharing with me... Good use of time & well done didi
