Monday, 29 June 2020

Humanity in the time of time of epidemic and the role of literature in shaping it

In this presentation I have highlighted main issues regarding epidemics and how people are reacting towards it. There are two kinds of people, the one who can sacrifice everything for the sake of nation and the one who are only self centered. During the time of epidemic we need people who are self sacrificing by nature, so that we can fight together and can win the battle of pandemic and epidemic. I have compared present situation with Albert Camus's novel "The Plague"

Use of Google Meet app

Use of google meet app from Hema Goswami

It was really unique experience of presenting online on the platform of Google Meet app. We know that due to Corona we won't be able to go to far places to present our research paper. hence, we are presenting online by using various online platforms and google meet is one of among them. In this presentation I have highlighted main advantages of google meet app and how it is useful for enhancing LSRW skills. In this way it is creating digital platform for English language learning (ELT)