Wednesday 24 January 2018

Frankenstein: Victor suffers from narcissistic complex

Q7 Do you agree with the point that Victor Frankenstein suffers from Narcissistic in complex in Frankenstein?

Yes Victor Frankenstein suffers from Narcissistic Complex in Frankenstein. There are many points which reflects that Victor is Narcissistic from his mind.

1. Narcissus nature 

Narcissus fall in love with his own reflection. He has pride of his own beauty. He saw his reflection in pool of water. He becomes so much egoistic that he started rejecting the world and also he rejects the proposal of nymph Echo.

2.  Reflection of Narcissism in Victor

Victor also reflects the same quality as Narcissus have. Victor becomes blind in the glittering of his own knowledge that he cant see the reality of world. He was unaware about what was happening all around the society.

3. Excessive Pride

Victor Frankenstein have excessive pride of his knowledge. i.e. Hubris. Just like Narcissus who has excessive pride of his beauty. Victor thinks that he can do anything and can discover unimaginable thing. That's why he deals with an experiment in which he brings life to the dead ones. He discover a creature by collecting different body parts from different dead  bodies.

4. Responsible for the plight of Elizabeth

Victor promises Elizabeth that he will married to her, but when he lost in discovering creature, he forgets everything and forgets his past promises. This is same as Narcissus who rejects the Proposal of nymph Echo. Victor also doesn't care about the feelings of Elizabeth and busied himself in experiments.

5. Center of attention

Victor wants to become a great creator, he wants that the world knew him as a father of bringing life to the dead ones. He wants to be a center of attention. Just like Narcissus who is stuck in the trance of his own illusion. In this way both the characters shows their lack of empathy or cares for others.

6. Monster as Victor's reflection

Narcissus saw his own reflection into water and becomes blind in his own beauty, similarly monster is the reflection of Victor who creates it and after creating monster Victor becomes blind and egotism leads to his own downfall.

7. Tragic doom

Both Narcissus and Victor meets their tragic doom. in the end. Narcissus stared at his reflection until he died. Victor who wants to kill his own creation, when he saw the destructive result of his creation who becomes danger for humanity but he died with his half wish. All this happens only because of egotism of Victor Frankenstein.

In this way in the whole we can see the character of Victor as suffering from Narcissism complex.


  1. Very good overview of how we can find the narcissistic complex in Victor Frankenstein

  2. Very very helpful for exam preparation 👍🏻
